The Warm-Up Series is a series of three reining shows and one futurity hosted by the Extraco Events Center in Waco Texas. Our goal is to provide the contestants with a venue to show and school their horses. Reiners are constantly training in order to increase their skill, like so many equestrian events, you can never know it all. Cash and gift awards won during competition at the Warm-Up Series always add to the competitiveness and fun! Join us for the next show and you will see what it’s all...
Meet the newest producers of the Warm Up Series: Mark and Nicole Archer. For decades, David and Milly Archer had put on reining shows, but Dave has now handed over the reins to his youngest son, Mark and his wife, Nicole. Mark and Nicole are excited to continue to offer shows that allow riders to exercise their reining skills in a fun and enjoyable environment. Thanks to all who have supported our shows throughout the years. Your participation and dedication have made the Warm Up Series what it is today. Mark and his wife Nicole, and their children Felix and...